What type of charge was transferred from the sweater to the balloon?
What type of charge did the sweater have at the beginning of the experiment?
Play with the simulation and observe what happens when the balloon is rubbed on the sweater. Explain why this happens.
What type of charge did the sweater have at the end of the experiment?
Why don’t all the positive charges move toward the balloon?
Bring your charged balloon near the wall and describe what happens to the wall. Explain why this happens.
What happens to the positive charges in the wall when you move the balloon near it?
Now, take your charged balloon and place it somewhere between the wall and the sweater. Observe what happens, and describe it here. Explain why this happens!
Hold the balloon in between the wall and shirt and release it. Why doesn’t the balloon just stay in the middle?
When charging an object by friction,
a. only the positive charges move from one object to the other.
b. only the negative charges move from one object to the other.
c. both the positive and negative charges move from one object to the other.
d. neither the positive nor the negative charges move from one object to the other.
When an object becomes polarized,
a. only the positive charges move within the object.
b. only the negative charges move within the object.
c. both the positive and negative charges move within the object.
d. neither the positive nor the negative charges move within the object.
Based upon what you saw in this lab, then, it can be said that
a. positive charges are stationary within objects.
b. negative charges are stationary within objects.
c. positive charges are mobile within objects.
d. negative charges are mobile within objects.
e. both a and b
f. both a and d
g. both b and c
h. both c and d
charge - töltés
stationary - nem mozdulnak el
sweater -pulcsi
to rub - dörzsöl
to observ - megfigyel
to release - elenged
shock - szikra
conductor - vezető
insulator- szigetelő
knob- kilincs
2. Phet feladat John Travoltage kísérlet (Angol gyakorló, válaszok lehetnekmagyarul. de angolul több pontot érnek)
Rub John Travoltage’s foot on the carpet and observe what happens. What is this called?
Watch after you stopped rubbing John Travoltage’s foot on the carpet, what happened to the charges in his body?
Now, touch John Travoltage’s hand to the door knob. Observe what happens. Explain why this happens.
Now try building up charge while his finger is on the door. What happens?
Why are shocks worse when you touch conductors rather than insulators?
If you take your hat off on a dry winter day, sometimes your hair will stand up. Explain this phenomenon.
Over time, all the negative charges in an object,
a. remain clustered together where they were placed.
b. spread out over a small area on the object.
c. spread out over a large area on the object.
When a charged object touches a conductor,
a. the positive charges move to the conductor and exit the object.
b. the negative charges move to the conductor and exit the object.
c. both the positive and negative charges move to the conductor and exit the object.
d. neither the positive nor the negative charges move to the conductor and exit the object.
Based upon what you saw in this lab, then, it can be said that
a. a person cannot be shocked if they have an excess charge on them.
b. a person cannot be shocked if they have neutral charge.
c. a person can be shocked at any time because it doesn’t depend on the charge the person has.
charge - töltés
stationary - nem mozdulnak el
sweater -pulcsi
to rub - dörzsöl
to observ - megfigyel
to release - elenged
shock - szikra
conductor - vezető
insulator- szigetelő
knob- kilincs---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Phet feladat, Elektromos hoki kísérlet (Angol gyakorló, válaszok lehetnekmagyarul. de angolul több pontot érnek)
The goal of this game is to get the black positive puck to go in the goal. How can you set up just one negative charge to score a goal?
Clear each time you try a new set up.How can you set up just one positive charge to score a goal?
Change the mass and see what happens. What happens when the mass is lighter? Why does the mass affect the speed if it is not apart of the electric force equation?
Set up a triangle of charges, with two positives and one negative. Draw the field lines for this set up.
Set difficulty to 1, then 2, then 3. When you beat each level, draw your set up, and show me.
Legkevesebb részecske felrakásával hogyan tudnád a kapuba tenni a képen látható pozitív részecskét.
Eredményt rajzold le.
puck -korong
triangle- háromszög
field line- erővonal
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